Saturday, October 24, 2009


This gorgeous 6 month old is none other than my lil cousin Micaiah, Tony and Kims son. Kim and I had a great time hanging out taking pictures of him and making him laugh.

Cuteness overload coming up!


Sjo said...

He is tooo cute! Love all the different styles, especially the one with the tie!

Debbie said...

Oooh! What a cutie!!! He looks like such a little man, and so good natured. :)
I love all the ideas you came up with. The "Rock Star" is a great one! :D Miss you guys. Bummer we won't be seeing you this Thanksgiving, but have fun anyway. :) Can't believe how fast Micaiah is growing up. Great to "see" him and Kim too, of course. :)

NaomiG said...

LOVE the rock star and the business tie pics... those are way clever! :-)

Karin said... your photos! I found your blog from your mom's. :) I am starting in photography, so I stayed up way too late tonight looking at your photos. :)

Do you remember visiting me in South Bend IN? I think that was the last time I saw you guys.

KLamb said...

Wow, Jennifer, has it really been a year? Miss you.