Monday, May 19, 2008


Here are some more beautiful flowers from God's creation! It's amazing how each are so different and unique from the other! Enjoy! :)
I don't know what a lot of these are named, so if anyone wants to tell me what they are, feel free! :)

Bleeding hearts

hmmm...don't remember this one, but it's on a bush...

this one I took wth the sun directly behind it - turned out interesting - the leaves are almost transparent.

garden path...


help - what is this one?

More garden path

lilacs! My favorite - mmmm, they smell amazing!

And, sorry, these ones don't have a name, either - unless you know it! :)


Sjo said...

The purple and raspberry columns both look like Lupine but i'm not pos..and the ones on the bush are Azaleas pretty positive on that one. Very beautiful!!

The Chatty Housewife said...

I always thought Azaleas were just a type of Rhododendron when I saw them, so thanks for clearing that up Sjo!

Jenn said...

ah ha! Thanks for helping me out with that - Sarah, you are the master of flower names! :)