Saturday, May 3, 2008

Opening Day on the River!

Dave and I went out on the Columbia River for Opening Day with friends who were celebrating the 100 Years of the Portland Yacht Club. There were 100's of boats out on the river all in a parade - I'd never seen soooo many boats! We had a blast - here are some of the pictures I took. :)


A wooden boat riding beside us

The name of the boat we were on.
Lots and lots of boats! (these are just a few!)

Another decked out wooden boat

The front decorated with flowers!

We had to go by judges to make sure everything looked good - make sure everyone was in the colors of the yacht club - navy and white, and to see if the boat looked good...

My hubby!
The theme of the parade was roses, so we had some on the boat.
Us out on deck - wooden boats behind us
Going by more judges...
more judges...
Some stood out on deck and saluted the judges as we went by
The fire boat spewed out blue and red water for a few minutes!
A peek through a porthole :)
America...America... :)

Another flag with lots of boats!

The boat we went on - in the boathouse.
Everyone watching another boater putting his boat into the boathouse. (how many times can i have the word 'boat' in one sentence??? ;)
The End! Hope you had as much fun looking as we did boating! ;)


The Chatty Housewife said...

I was on Lake WA as well as the sound on Thursday, we went through the Ballard Locks with Sallad and Grace. :) It was so much fun! I am going to post about it soon I hope. We saw so many boats all lined up ready for the opening of boating season, it was crazy that they start so early. They just sit there and BBQ and wait!

Sarahjo said...

Very fun pictures! The fire boat looks cool!Did people win prize after the judging or was it just to do with the yacht club and being up to par?