Sunday, November 9, 2008


Okay, back to a little bit of our trip to Southern Oregon! At the resort there was a beautiful golf course - some of us brought along our golf clubs and spent a lot of time at the driving range and putting green!
A small part of the golf course in the morning light.

Another frosty leaf! :)
I can't remember what this practice area was called - a chip and putt something.... Anyways - it was great practice - I spent a lot of time in the sand pit! ;)
Susie taking a swing at the ball Kate's ready to play, with a ball in both hands! :)
Down at the driving range
A column of dirt flying up just after the ball was hit (the flying one on the left)


The Chatty Housewife said...

The light in the first photo is so beautiful! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. That golf ball and dirt spray photo is crazy, how in the world did you catch that?!

NaomiG said...

Wow, that first photo is outstanding... looks like fun.

Sjo said...

Love the last one of the ball with sand flying!

Anonymous said...

Rave #3 on the first photo. It's absolutely gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Good gracious Jenn, how is it that you get such good pictures, and i never can!!!!That first one was amazing!!

Jenn said...

Chatty - pure luck!! It was actually taken with Dave little point and shoot camera. :)